This site is a set of topics that teams may find useful while modernising an application from virtual machines into containers.
The goal is not to provide a reference architecture but to compile a set of real world topics that developers may find when moving mature applications to containers.
The scenarios are likely to be most relevent to the Replatform and Repackage steps illustrated in the diagram below.
These two steps are the grey areas of modernization that are usually very specific to the application and organisation being modernized and where general guidance isn't clearly mapped by the standard litrature.
Standard Operating Environment
Context and problem
A common anti-pattern is to use a distribution from open source projects as the base image for specific functionality. This can be managable in small deployments but as the amount of deployed containers grow it will get problematic from a dependency and security management perspective.
Take for example the following deployment topology.
For example in the above scenario you will have
- 6 Different versions of glibc
- 2 Different versions of muscl
- 8 Different versions of OpenSSL
The recommendation here is to standardize on a base distribution image so that managing CVEs and building generic tooling for debugging is simpler.
My personal preference is to use Red Hat Universal base images but an experienced team could also target alpine as it has an opinionated security posture that some teams my find useful as well as a distroless approach.
Issues and considerations
Understand how you are going to get support either internally or externally for the base images.
Be concious about the overhead of
When to use this scenario
A standard operating environment initiative should be embarked on when starting the Replatform phase. As the number of base operating systems types grows beyond 5 consider standardising.
As well as targeting a single distribution from a vendor organisations may also want to build a base image internal to their organisation with the following benefits:
- Userspace libraries, runtimes etc are consistent
- Improved inner dev loop with shorter docker builds
- Easier to update and integrate with build on change processes
See the Dockerfiles in the scenario folder for a reference implementation.
orgbase.Dockerfile is the organisational base image.
In this example the base image is built with
podman build -t quay.io/mod_scenarios/orgbase -f orgbase.Dockerfile
# Create an organisational base image from a vendor release.
FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal
# Update it with a specific configuration.
# ubi-minimal uses `microdnf` a small pkg management system.
RUN microdnf update && microdnf install -y procps-ng
app.Dockerfile is the image that will be deployed.
# Use the organisation base image
FROM quay.io/mod_scenarios/orgbase
# this is just a simple example but you may want to integrate
# this orgbase image approach with the streamline-builds scenario
ENTRYPOINT [ "while true; do ls /root/buildinfo/; sleep 30; done" ]
Related resources
Streamline Builds
Ensure only the required assets are deployed in a container image.
Context and problem
In order to make images as small as possible and minimise the impact of security risks it's important to use a minimal base image that you build up with capabilities.
Use the container builder pattern
This scenario consists of a Dockerfile that builds a Rust project with external SSL dependancies and the configures a minimal image to use it.
A working reference is available in the repo for this project.
Issues and considerations
While a single base image is the desired goal it may be necessery to use more than one base image.
Ensure security scans of the images and a process to manage them is in place.
Understand how you are going to support the OS layer and related system libraries.
When to use this scenario
As you move into the Replatform stage of modernization it is good practice to put this scenario in place.
# This is the configuration for the container
# that will be build the assets for deployment
# Start with a standard base image See the Standard Operating Environment folder for more details.
FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi as rhel8builder
# Example of installing development libs for the build
RUN yum install -y gcc openssl-devel && \
rm -rf /var/cache/dnf && \
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh -s -- -y
COPY . /app-build
WORKDIR "/app-build"
# Set up build paths and other config
ENV PATH=/root/.cargo/bin:${PATH}
RUN cargo build --release
# This is the configuration for the container #
# that will be distributed. #
# You may also want to consider using an organisational base image. #
# See the standard operating environment folder #
FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal
# ubi-minimal uses `microdnf` a small pkg management system.
RUN microdnf update && microdnf install -y procps-ng
# Add a group and user call `appuser`
RUN addgroup -S appuser && adduser -S appuser -G appuser
WORKDIR "/app"
COPY --from=rhel8builder /app-build/target/release/stream-line-builds ./
# set the user that will run the application
USER appuser
CMD ["./stream-line-builds"]
Related resources
Standard Operating Environment
dependency injection
Context and problem
Dependency injection (DI) or "well known plugins" are a common and robust pattern in customization scenarios in the enterprise.
It's a pattern that has been used by ISVs to enable thier down stream users to customize products.
This can present challanges as ISVs modernize to containers because the ISVs want to deliver software in immutable containers but the requirement to customize by including libraries is still a concrete requirement.
Configure the application container at start up with an init container.
The sample defines a disk volume that enables config to be passed from an initialization container to the main application container.
This scenario provides a pod definition a starting point that can be extended to meet the requirements.
In production this should be a persistent volume claim and NOT a hostPath as deployments will clobber each other
Issues and considerations
Loading libraries and config from an external source may require managing PATH
priorities and loading orders that could potentially be brittle.
Areas of responsibility between vendor and client can become blurred although no worse that the virtual machine scenario.
When to use this scenario
This pattern is probably most relevent when moving from Rehost to Replatform.
Use this approach when you have additional configuration that needs to be deployed on a per container basis.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: di-pod
app.kubernetes.io/name: DiApp
# The main container that echos the file created by the init container.
- name: app-container
image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal
command: ['sh', '-c', 'cat /usr/share/initfile && sleep 3600']
- name: shared-data
mountPath: /usr/share
# A simple init container that echos a file into the shared data folder on startup
- name: init-deps
image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal
- name: shared-data
mountPath: /pod-data
command: ['sh', '-c', "echo Hello from the init container > /pod-data/initfile"]
# defines a volume to enable config to be passed to the main container
# In production this should be a persistent volume claim
# NOT a hostPath as deployments will clobber each other
volumes :
- hostPath:
path: /tmp/di
type: Directory
name: shared-data
To run the scenario locally make sure you have podman installed and run the following commands:
Create a folder to match the volume definitions
mkdir /tmp/di
Play the pod definition with podman
podman play kube pod.yaml
Inspect the logs to see the main container has access to the file generated by the init container.
podman logs di-pod-app-container Hello from the init container!
Clean up
podman pod stop di-pod podman pod rm di-pod rm -fr /tmp/di
Related resources
Standalone Podman
Context and problem
The first step a lot of organizations take when moving from virtual servers to containers is to run a single container within a virtual server instance using a container runtime such as docker or podman.
This may seem an unneccessery overhead it provides a path for the software development team to use containers in dev/test and in the continuous integration process while not putting to much burden on the operations organisation.
While it's not an ideal scenario as the orchestration tooling around containers is one of the key benefits it does enable an organisation to break up the modernization journey into achievable goals and doesn't require a larger organisational transformation.
The selection of a container management system is dependant on whether an organisation intends to eventually adopt kubernetes or not. If kubernetes is an end goal then it makes sense to target podman as it has built in support for defining collections of containers in pods in exactly the same way as kubernetes and this will help smooth the transition later in the journey.
Issues and considerations
Organisations should be aware that most of the time this is an interim step and should be concious not to start building out a custom container orchestration system when moving to kubernetes would be the better option.
Also consider the refactoring required for observability and CI/CD if this is a substantial peice of work it may make sense to target kubernetes directly or at least ensure the changes align with the target architecture in the Refactor step.
Managing pods with systemd and podman is an evolving space so expect some changes as podman evolves.
The podman generate systemd --files --name
approach had a some rough edgeds and configuring a system that could survive a reboot was never achieved with this approach. It is strongly advised to use the systemctl --user start podman-kube
given below unless there are some specific circumstanses that prevents this.
When to use this scenario
In the early stages of moving from Rehost to Replatform
- Systemd compatible distribution
- Podman
Test on
Ubuntu 22.04 - podman 4.3.0
Fedora 36 - podman 4.2.1
- Create a file called
and add the following content
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
app: top-pod
name: top-pod
restartPolicy: Never
- command:
- top
image: docker.io/library/alpine:3.15.4
name: topper
resources: {}
Create the escaped configuration string
escaped=$(systemd-escape $PWD/top.yaml)
Run the yaml file as a systemd service
systemctl --user start podman-kube@$escaped.service
Generate the service config from the running instance to persist reboots.
systemctl --user enable podman-kube@$escaped.service
Reboot you machine to confirm the service survives reboots.
Additional Notes
The systemd user instance is killed after the last session for the user is closed. The systemd user instance can be started at boot and kept running even after the user logs out by enabling lingering using
loginctl enable-linger <username>
Related resources
Microtemplates with Helm
Context and problem
The ability to configure containers with external definitions is a key part of 12 factor apps. As organisations adopt containers these external definitions tend to travel as shell scripts included in the code repository. These shell scripts become unwieldy quickly and have to be rewritten when an organisation moves to an orchestration platform.
Adopt a template engine early in the modernization cycle can help mitigate the problem of shell scripts and prepare an organisation for the move towards kubernetes.
Issues and considerations
Helm as a dependancy may require additional training for the organisation.
When to use this scenario
Helm is useful from Replatform point of the journey onwards. This microtemplating option is targeting the developer loop and is especially useful at the start of the Replatform roadmap.
apiVersion: v2
name: top-helm-app
type: application
version: 0.1.0
appVersion: "1.16.0"
- Create folder called
and create file calledpod.yaml
with the following content
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
app: top-helm-pod
name: top-helm-top-pod
restartPolicy: Never
- command:
- top
image: "{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag }}"
name: top-helm-container
resources: {}
- Create a file called
with the following content
repository: docker.io/library/alpine
tag: "3.15.4"
Validate the pod template is generated correctly by running
helm template .
helm template . --- # Source: top-helm-app/templates/pod.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: top-helm-pod spec: containers: command: - top name: top-helm-container image: "docker.io/library/alpine:3.15.4"
Next steps
Run the file with podman
helm template . | podman play kube -
Delete the pod
podman pod stop top-helm-top-pod podman pod rm top-helm-top-pod
Related resources
WASI Containers
End to end demonstration of running WASI in a OCI compliant container runtime using crun on fedora 37
Context and problem
In a resource constrained environments such as edge locations or in sustainability focused organisations the benefits of containers need to be refined to make the images as small as possible, improve startup times and minimise the energy used for execution.
Use a minimal container runtime environment written in a high performance language that only requires a scratch based image but still supports multiple languages.
Issues and considerations
WASI is still a maturing standard with networking and device integration still in the early stages of development.
When to use this scenario
Use this scenario when you have environments with limited resources such as edge or when you need fast container start up times.
See the folder https://gitlab.com/no9/modernization-scenarios/-/tree/main/scenarios/wasi-containers for the full source code.
First you need to install podman wasmedge and buildah.
sudo dnf install podman wasmedge buildah
Then you need to build and install crun a minimal container runtime with WASMEdge support.
git clone https://github.com/containers/crun.git
cd crun/
./configure --with-wasmedge
mv /usr/bin/crun /usr/bin/curn.backup
sudo mv /usr/bin/crun /usr/bin/curn.backup
sudo mv crun /usr/bin
Now install rust with the WASI target.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
rustup target add wasm32-wasi
create the source files
Create a new folder called wasi-containers
mkdir wasi-containers
Add the crate configuration
name = "wasi-containers"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
Add a src
folder and create a simple program that prints the environment variables.
fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); use std::env; // We will iterate through the references to the element returned by // env::vars(); for (key, value) in env::vars() { println!("{key}: {value}"); } }
Finally create a Dockerfile in the root folder of the project which copies the wasm file into an empty container.
FROM scratch
COPY target/wasm32-wasi/release/wasi-containers.wasm /
CMD ["./wasi-containers.wasm"]
Build the Dockerimage
cargo build --release --target wasm32-wasi
buildah build --annotation "module.wasm.image/variant=compat" -t mywasm-image
podman run -e LIFE="GOOD" mywasm-image:latest
Hello, world!
PATH: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
TERM: xterm
container: podman
HOSTNAME: ad0c6217d785